The event was held on 02 Oct 2011 (she was born on 04 Oct 2003). We celebrated her birthday 2 days earlier & the no of guest invited => 300-400 pax (mcm kenduri bertunang dah). Below are some of the pics taken.
The menu were:
- Chinese Fried Rice
- Laksa
- Spaghetti Olio
- Mashed Potato
- Coleslaw
- Wedges
- Chicken Wings
- Lots of Kuih & Dessert
- Air Sirap Limau
- Candies
- etc etc (byk sgt x ingat. huhu)
So anyone in Kulai/Johor area, feel free to contact my sis Asyikin 019-3782419 for any catering order.
*Aryssa is my niece btw. :)